7 Toddler Approved Picture Books About Bugs

The best picture book finds can come from the most unexpected places. I’ve certainly found more than a few hidden gems while browsing through books at my local library. You never know what you might find when you take the time to explore all of your options.

Do you know what else my son and I have also discovered there? A lot of bugs. And butterflies…and caterpillars, ladybugs, and all sorts of other insects hiding within the books.

My toddler loved to explore and find new bug books every time we visit. He always makes a beeline for the bug section again and again... (bug pun intended). 

Now that Ryeson isn't a toddler anymore (my heart) he is still so excited to learn all about bugs. We read bigger kid books about how some bugs can fly, others can jump really high, and some can even swim.

It only makes sense that we would eventually publish our own picture book about bugs – Randall the Blue Spider Goes Surfing – which explores the world of bugs through books!

He fell in love with picture books about bugs when he was a toddler and has been fascinated by each one. I have always enjoyed seeing him learn more about these amazing creatures. I Randall the Blue Spider books to life – exploring the world of insects through books!

Here are 6 toddler-approved picture books about bugs (including some of Ryeson's favorites when he was a toddler): 

1. Randall the Blue Spider Goes Surfing by Ryeson & Shana Bull This book is about a surfing spider who gets nervous. His friend helps him and this book teaches children that it's okay to have big feelings and coping skills to help with anxiety.  Shop on Amazon here.

2. The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
This classic picture book is perfect for toddlers who are interested in bugs and nature. It's a simple story that follows a caterpillar as he grows and changes into a butterfly. I mean, there is a reason this is in the top 3 picture books of all time. It is so much fun. 

3. Worm Weather by Jean Taft (Author), Matt Hunt (Illustrator)
An imaginative and playful story, readers will love seeing the worm delight in the weather just as much as the kids.

4. Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad by David Soman and Jacky Davis
This is a fun and silly book about a group of friends who go on adventures together. Children will love following along as Ladybug Girl and her bug squad explore the world around them.

5. A Pill Bug's Life (Nature Upclose) by John Himmelman
A favorite of Ryeson’s to get from the library, this book looks at the life of a pillbug. And a quick note: pill bugs are actually crustaceans, not insects

6. Ultimate Bugopedia: The Most Complete Bug Reference Ever (National Geographic Kids) by Nancy Honovich
This is an informative book that teaches children about different types of bugs. It includes close-up photographs of real insects, making it perfect for curious little ones.

One of my favorite things about picture books is that they can be enjoyed by people of all ages. They are usually easy to read (important when your toddler MAKES you read a minimum of 5 books a night... Yes, when toddler Ryeson was 3 years old he made us do this every bedtime). Whether you’re a child, an adult, or somewhere in between, there’s a picture book out there for you. 

If you’re looking for some great new picture books to check out, don’t forget to check these books out, available online - or ask for them in your local library! 


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Localish (to the Bay Area) Kid Author, Ryeson Bull